Drupal: Feeds Image Grabber

Feeds Image Grabber (FIG) is the successor project for FeedAPI ImageGrabber to support the Feeds module. FIG parses the Item URL of each feed-item, downloads the appropriate image from the post and maps it to an image field in the node created by Feeds module for that feed-item.

[Google Reader (with thumbnails) can be imitated on a Drupal site by using Feeds, Feeds Image Grabber, FileField, ImageField, ImageCache, ImageAPI and Views module].

How it works
A classic method of mimicking the behavior of Feeds Image Grabber would be to do the same thing manually. Let us go through the procedure if you were to do it manually:

  1. Refresh the feed to create nodes for feed items (using FeedsNodeProcessor).
  2. For each feed-item, go to their respective webpage and save the image to display.
  3. Upload the image to CCK image field for each feed item.

Feeds Image Grabber automates the last 2 steps of the three step process described. Imagecache module can be used to create thumbnail of the image retrieved which can be attached to the node.

What’s in the box
On 3rd March, first version of FIG was released. As of today, FIG supports following features:

  1. Automatically downloads and attaches image to the node created by Feeds module.
  2. Configurable XPath of the desired image location on the webpage of the feed item on per feed basis (using element’s id or CSS class).
  3. Support for FileField Paths module.
  4. Configurable maximum image size.
  5. Configurable minimum and maximum image resolutions.

Get involved
You can get involved by doing any of the following:

  1. write about this module, so that other folks can find it.
  2. report bugs in the issue queue.
  3. help in the support forums of the module.
  4. buy me a Beer 😉


Note: Feature and Support requests should be made through the Feeds Image Grabber Forum. I may not be able to answer them here.

8 thoughts on “Drupal: Feeds Image Grabber

  1. Pingback: Tutorial for FeedAPI/Feeds Image Grabber | Public Mind

  2. Pingback: Drupal: Tutorial for Feeds Image Grabber | Public Mind

  3. Pingback: Drupal: FeedAPI Imagegrabber | Public Mind

  4. Sean

    Grabbing the image from the Description?

    So I am trying to use this to grab images from the amazon feeds (i.e. http://www.amazon.com/rss/movers-and-shakers/electronics/ref=pd_ms_rss_link&tag=seasrev-20)

    The image I want is in the description in the CDATA

    If I map it to the URL as per the tutorial it graps a random Ad image from Amazon ( which I suspect is purposefully put there by amazon)

    Any ideas on how to get this to work? I want to create with Drupal a Tiled Listing using views of the items from a bunch of feeds – but I really want the image in that listing.


  5. Manuel

    Hi, im trying to import more than one images into a site, using feeds an this module but im able to upload only one image.

    It is possible to upload more than one image using image grabber?


  6. Jim C

    This so close to what I need. I’m parsing a feed with image links. I don’t want to store the images, they are already staged on a CDN (akamai) in my case. I just want to be able to use the link as an img src=” “. Is there a way to make this module do what I want or is there another module for what I need? Thanks.


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