[caption id=“attachment_53” align=“alignleft” width=“118” caption=“Be Happy”]
No, No.. This is not the movie review (not at least from me) but the unquenchable thirst and the hunger of life. All of us, consciously or unconsciously, seek for happiness. I smoke for happiness, he drinks for happiness and the other guy gyms for happiness. We do what makes us happy. But what if one day you realize that your reasons for happiness are diminishing? You want to be happy but you don’t have a reason to be happy.
Without getting into the writer’s shoes (the thing I am not good at), I will straight try to hit the nail. There used to be a time when I would cheer up for a new Pen, drive around the whole colony on my first bicycle, cry for a balloon the whole day, will distribute pancakes to everyone on my selection in JEE, but now there is nothing that can make me that happy. I still laugh sometimes, but my reasons to be happy seems to be decreasing with increase in my age, experience, and intellect. The only time I am happy now is when I am sleeping or listening music (and that too sometimes becomes mechanical). When I analyze between then and now, the only thing that have changed are my desires. My desires to become successful, my desire to earn, my desire to get a partner, my desire to make my family happy, and my desire to be happy. I don’t know if these desires are the cause of my diminishing reasons for happiness but Buddha do. Buddha in his Four Noble Truths said " craving is the cause of suffering and when they (People) have completely overcome desire, ill will and ignorance, they will know the supreme happiness". Therefore, I am now trying the Buddha way to know the path to happiness.