Tag Archives: elections

Election 2009: Congress won or BJP lost?

Election results are out, and as I expected Congress completely overruled BJP, grabbing more than 200 seats. Do not shout that my expectations turned in favor of Congress after the election results, for proof you can ask my friends (with whom I kept fighting why BJP should not come to power!!) or just visit FriendsOfBJP where I posted several issues that were wrong in the BJP’s manifesto but unfortunately they were so confident about their views that they(supporters of BJP) kicked me out from the site (and calling me a christian, a fool, etc. )

I would like to clarify that I am not in favor of any political party, but when I have to choose I will never choose BJP over Congress for the following reasons (I am again enumerating them here not to tease the BJP supporters over their loss but so that they can improve for next elections rather than blaming media for bad publicity or congress for enjoying privileges):

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